All the wall hangings in this series are made from inherited ancestral German heirloom linen, passed down the female line since approx. 5 generations. My ancestors were farmers in the south of Germany in Bavaria and 120 years ago these rolls of linen would have been given to the bride to make bed linen, table cloths or clothes for her own household. 

For some reason this linen ended up with me in 2021 in England, and I made it into art! 

It still smells of the farm and I love working with it. It feels humbling to think that I am a carrier of the lineage at this moment in time and I wonder how different all these women’s lives must have been and also how different my daughter’s life will be to mine.

Every Manifest & Unmanifest wall hanging has a folded middle line, subtly highlighted with Acrylic paint. It signifies the threshold between reality as we know it in our daily lives and the realm of things possible but not yet manifest. Our dreams, visions, wishes and desires for things to come into being, to em-body. Often these two worlds are not that different from each other.

We certainly have the capacity to dream up our reality if consciously or unconsciously, positive or negative. As C G Jung said, Hilter was the result of millions of German’s worst unconscious fears. 

The duality of our human experience is something I am very fascinated by. We tend to split almost everything into opposites, black or white, female or masculine, Tory or Labour.

Take a side! Have an opinion!

Isn’t it much more productive to have dark and light, wanted and unwanted, war and peace, right and left? Undeniably they are all part of our experience anyway.

They meet at the middle line.

Manifest & Unmanifest wallhangings come in different sizes, small 40 x 29 cm, medium 54 x 41 cm, large 97 x 65 cm and hang on eyelets. 2019-2023. Inherited ancestral German heirloom linen, Acrylic paint, fabrics embroidered, and brass.
S £250, M £360, L £650. If you would like to buy one of these pieces please get in touch.