GUTS No. 1-6

Someone who has guts is regarded as brave, daring and fearless. A wonderful set of qualities to have! There are gut feelings which relate to our intuition and the inner voice that usually speaks the truth. If we choose to listen to it or not. Our bodies on the other hand are soft and vulnerable around the gut area, unprotected by bones and quite exposed. 

I love the contradiction between the physical reality of our guts and the expression describing a powerful mindset. Maybe people who follow their gut instinct are in fact more powerful than the ones overthinking everything before acting? 

And maybe real power stems from vulnerability? 

Guts, series of 6 wallhangings, each 92 x 80 cm. They hang on a piece of roundwood.
2021. Inherited ancestral German heirloom linen, fabrics embroidered, brass, wood.
£2,500 per work. If you would like to buy one of these pieces please get in touch.


From my own experience I can certainly say that there is a power in accepting and owning my flaws and weak parts. By claiming them as part of me they lose their charge, shame drops away as there is no need to hide them from anyone anymore. 

These wall hangings are made from inherited heirloom linen, passed down my female ancestral line since 4 or 5 generations. My ancestors were farmers in the south of Germany in Bavaria and 100 years ago these rolls of linen would have been given to the bride to make her own bed linen, table cloths or clothes for her own household. 

For some reason this linen ended up with me in 2021 in England, and is being made into art! 

It still smells of the farm though and I love working with it. 

It feels humbling to think that I am the carrier of the lineage at this moment in time and I wonder how different all these women’s lives must have been to mine. I will certainly pass some of the linen on to my daughter Tilly.